Wednesday, October 28, 2009

War Update

Today, I have not lost any weight since last post, and have exercised a total of 5 days.

That leaves 100 more days to go!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Painted Nailes

Isabella Frickadella loves to have her nails painted. If I plan things well, I can usually use it as a reward. But lately she just nags me. Well, the other day she found my nail polish, and tried to paint her own nails. I am very, very, very lucky the only mess was on her nails. But overall, she gets so much happiness in having her nails painted. I may need to tell her that I pulled the nail polish from the trash, and paint her nails.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

War Update

Since my last post I have lost 4 pounds, and I have exercised an additional 5 days. So now I have 105 days to go.

I went on the South Beach Diet for around 1 week. I decided to go off of it for a few days. The excuses are: I have been sick, and so have my kids. I am having a hard time exercising the past few weeks. I gained 1 pound on the strictest phase of the diet.

So now I am going to not be so strict for a few days, then get right back on it. I am going to blog about my weight until I have exercised 105 total days. We will see how things look by then. Hopefully I will get my rear in gear.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Isabella calls Mary Jane shoes, "Mary James". It is really cute

Sick, sick, sick

I have been sick for over 1 week. Last Sunday Isabella, came down with croup. Here in Denmark, they call it sea lion cough. I like that because her cough does sounds like a sea lion. So we have had that to deal with plus I am not 100% myself. Thank goodness for my sweet honey. He has taken care of Isabella at night. Sometimes with croup you can stop breathing, and that is pretty scary. Plus, there is a good chance Christina is going to get it as well.

Hopefully, Isabella will get well, and I can be back myself.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Blues

Today I have "the blues". I had to take my baby to the doctor's to get shots. I just hate it .My nose is stuffy. My neck is stiff. I have to clean my house. Tex pooped in the house. I need to get 45 CEC for my ACSM certification. I started a new diet, and I want chocolate. (No, I don't. Yes I do. No I don't. Yes I do.)

But lucky enough for me. My fweety sent me a very sweet email.

Sometimes a nice word from the one I love makes all the difference. I hope he comes home from work at a good time, so we can cuddle on the couch and watch season 5 of 24 Hours.

I hope you all stay away from The Blues.