Friday, September 4, 2009

Nie Nie, and C Jane

Today I am going to talk about two blogs.

I first started to read Nie Nie last summer right after her accident, but I actually was reading her sister Courtney who was writing for her. She is the author of C Jane. She is a very good writer, and I became addicted. I also was able to learn a lot about Nie Nie. The other thing I love is that they have great faith. I too am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I also love that these two sister have much love for each other. They are very creative, and show much happiness for the basic thing in life. Sometimes we get so wrapped up on how busy we get that we don't slow down and enjoy our little kids, and our messy houses. That is why I enjoy these sites because they remind me to appreciate the little things in life. Because we have a lot of good things around us that it would be a shame to miss.

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